Tag: Kelarik

Community Contributions

Plus This Month – July

New month, new additions and subtractions made to the PlayStation Plus roster of free games. I give you a rundown of what’s available for this month. Games listed: Pacman Championship Edition DX, Renegade Ops, Gotham City Imposters, Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Dave Spanton

Magic 2013 – First Glance

Dave and Kel take a look at the new “Planeschase” mode in Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013, not to be confused with Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 or Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers.

Community Contributions

Babel Rising – First Glance Guest Edition

Play god and unleashes all manner of wrath and destruction on unsuspecting Babylonians in Babel Rising, a mobile game by ex-developer White Birds ported to console.

Community Contributions

Mad Riders – First Glance Guest Edition

ATV dirt-racing game Mad Riders features lots of dirt, racing, ATVs,  more dirt, and a lot of speed and flying through the air. All adds up to a very enjoyable racer that looks good, handles well, and leaves you grinning.

Community Contributions

DiRT: Showdown – First Glance Guest Edition

The latest game in the DiRT franchise, and a departure from the more familiar rally races, Showdown dives deep into the mayhem and carnage of arcade-style destruction derby events, with very satisfying results.