Dave Spanton

Surgeon Simulator – Interview & Oculus Rift Gameplay – Rezzed 2013

Nurse I need 20cc of skill STAT! Dave tries his hand at playing Surgeon Simulator on the Oculus Rift with a Razer Hydra attached for good measure. He also sits down to chat to one of the games developers and discusses favorite colors and dinosaurs, because you know, why not?

Dave Spanton

Space Hulk Gameplay & Interview – Rezzed 2013

For the Emperor! Dave sits down to talk to Thomas the head cheese at Full Control to discuss the upcoming Space Hulk game, X-com’s influence and staying true to the fans.

Dave Spanton

Tengami Interview & Gameplay – Rezzed 2013

Dave talks to Phil Tossell from Nyamyam Games about Tengami. You might remember Dave spoke to Phil last year at Rezzed. That was his first ever interview (awww they grow up so fast). One year on, how has the game changed, have the Nyamyam guys learnt much and just who is our little adventurer?

Dave Spanton

The Last of Us – First Glance

The Last of Us has been scoring high in the reviews so far but what will Dave think? Join us as he takes a look at the beginning of the game and simply tries to survive in one piece.