Panzer General Online, the online turn based tactical battle game with a side order of collectable card game from Ubisoft, has just announced it’s first in-game event to line up with the anniversary of the 70th anniversary of D-Day.
The event will be available to all players, and is bringing with it new troops, a new command card and a new event currency. The D-Day event will start rolling on June 11th and run all the way through til June 25th. During the event, the main objective will be to defeat as many enemy units as possible, in doing so you’ll earn medals, which is the new currency. You can then in-turn use these medals to unlock new troops such as the “Bergetiger” and the new command card “Recover”. To jump in to the D-Day event, you’ll be able to find a new section added to the main menu to allow you quick access to new D-Day games. That’s not all though, if you can’t wait until the 11th to start, from the 6th of June you’ll be able to start building up your army to prepare for the tough multiplayer battles that will await you when the 11th hits.
To find out more about Panzer General Online or to start playing, head on over to the Panzer General Online website and create an account.