Nintendo Announces Switch 2

To Switch or not Switch two, that is the question.

This is it, the announcement we have all been waiting for, the Switch 2! Nintendo dropped a trailer announcing the much anticipated successor to the ever popular Switch.

The console looks bigger, thinner, and more round, with magnetic controller ports and a more muted colour palate. It will have backwards compatibility for most Switch games, which is a feature I am always supportive of. The changes aren’t ground breaking, but the term “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” comes to mind.

We will get more information, which hopefully will include specs and details, in a Nintendo Direct on 2nd April 2025.

Nintendo are also running experience’s to try the Switch 2 before sale in Paris, London, Berlin, Milan, Amsterdam and Madrid, however tickets will be made available through a free-to-enter, randomly selected draw, and you can only apply to one event across Europe so unless you are fast this could be less then ideal.

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Kerri Pearson

Kerri Pearson

Lover of RPGS, Gathering and Crafting... Software Engineer by day, pilgrimage to Zanarkand by night.

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