Keen Games drops the first major content update for open world survival crafter Enshrouded today, named ‘The Hollow Halls’ version includes more content than you can shake a stick at. Larger dungeons, new rewards, new crafting stations, new quests, and a brand new enemy faction to take on lead the update. Other quality of life improvements are included, ranging from potted plants to add a spot of colour around your base, to ping functions and a reworked loot menu.
The full patch notes can be found over on Steam or if you just want the cliffnotes version they condensed it down in to video form for you here.
Enshrouded seems to be going from strength to strength after its Early Access release back at the end of January. Seeing a major update just 2 months after release is definitely the right way to keep players interested and aware. One update a pattern does not make though, so only time will tell if this is what players can expect from Keen Games going forward.
We took a look at Enshrouded back in January which showed us an interesting framework and potential to turn it in to something great if it received updates to prevent a Valheim situation. This first Hallowed Halls update is certainly a step in the right direction.