TL;DR A Game About Digging A Hole

If like me, digging is your middle name then Indie developer Cyberwave has got you

If like me, digging is your middle name then Indie developer Cyberwave has got you, This is… A Game about Digging a hole.

There are games that scratch an itch and while digging is not everyone’s bag, I will take any possibility to dig a hole, the deeper the better. It relaxes me, the satisfying repetitive motions, the happy tink tinks, the discovery, and all without getting muddy – bonza. You could add mining to any game and it means I’ll play it. I still live and breathe Fantasy Life…But boil it down to the purest form, zen in a capsule, games like powerwash simulator, or house flipper that focus in on a concept and polish it, make it the whole rather than a piece. I’m there for that.

The premise might shock you, be prepared, A Game about digging a hole is… A game about… Digging a hole. For an unplanned game made in 2 weeks during a vacation, it is what you expect it to be. And you know what, call me Zero, because… <Zero clip>

It’s a simple game, you dig, your battery runs out or your inventory fills and you go sell some rocks so you get money to dig more. You can upgrade your trowel, inventory, battery, jet pack or buy some dynamite or lamps. You will spend your time going back and forth between your hole and your garage.

The trowel,Ahem, I mean… SUPER MEGA DIGGER 3000 ULTIMATE 2.0, you are first given feels like it wants you to test the click durability of your mouse, but there are upgrades, and amazingly people online will buy your rocks to help you on the way. The deeper you go the better ores you get, and so the better equipment you have. I found that once I upgraded to the drill my digging journey became more satisfying, but the sound was like a tumble dryer and vacuum were trying to make white noise. There are some issues, the digging can leave bits of rock floating in midair, catching you during a fall, or preventing you from gathering some ore, but they are nothing major.

Don’t neglect the jet pack like I first did thinking I would be smart enough to dig myself out of any issues. But the battery life of your trowel drops faster than you think, and I passed out in a hole that was only chest level. The jet pack is fundamental to getting yourself both into and out of the hole you dug yourself into.

The Dynamite on the other hand does not have enough bang for its buck when it costs $100 a pop and is more of fizz than a bang I was not impressed.

Your hole isn’t all safety, fall damage is a thing, and hot rocks are hot, but overall I just enjoyed relaxing, digging some rocks, and making some money. There are little surprises along the way, and the use of light and caverns add a sense of trepidation and disorientation.

It’s the simple things in life that are sometimes needed. Those little distractions like digging a hole in your backyard. A Game About Digging a Hole is just that. Cheap and cheerful. Dig a hole, forget about stuff, and then chill out in your garage looking at your neat achievement shelf..

A Game about Digging a Hole is an evening well spent, it’s relaxing, made me chuckle, one of those take a break games. Simple and sweet it reminded me that not everything has to be chaos and strife all the time. Kick back, relax and take some pride in your hole… But not this one… This is my hole, it was made for me.

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Kerri Pearson

Kerri Pearson

Lover of RPGS, Gathering and Crafting... Software Engineer by day, pilgrimage to Zanarkand by night.

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