Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z Gameplay – Gamescom 2013
Ninjas, Cyborg Ninjas, Zombies, Revenge. Yes all of those things are in one game, and it’s a real game, made by a real studio, with real people. ZOMBIE ARM NUNCHUCKS!
Ninjas, Cyborg Ninjas, Zombies, Revenge. Yes all of those things are in one game, and it’s a real game, made by a real studio, with real people. ZOMBIE ARM NUNCHUCKS!
Dave is joined by Dave, Dave Dave and Dave to take a look at clayawesome The Swapper. The question is, with Dave and Dave here, will Dave be able to control Dave and Dave, or will Dave just… Dave Dave DAVE.
The 80’s! Everything was better, music, movies and of course the hair! Blood Dragon attempts to inject that 80s nostalgia straight in to your eyes. But is it every bit as incredible as what it’s trying to parody, or does it try too hard and fall too short?
Let’s kick it out school! Super Sanctum TD (I think the TD stands for Trusty Dentures) takes us back to a simpler time. A time where Dave can sit humming the music for 20 minutes and hope no one notices.
Dave and Minion are back with another look at Anomaly 2, this time trying to outwit each other in a strategic multiplayer battle of epic proportions.
Dave is tasked with saving what’s left of the world in Anomaly 2. The sequel to Tower Offence game Anomaly: Warzone Earth. Will Dave be able to protect the convoy and finish the mission? Probably not.
Dave and Minion put on their headphones and compete in Rush Bros, it’s what Super Meat Boy would look like if you added dubstep, competitive multiplayer and traps. Will Minion finally become the master or will Dave put him in his place?
Dave finds himself growing a tail and become accompanied by a talking sword as he takes a look at Dust: AET. Will He be able to progress sideways to victory? Or will he fail to head in the right direction (Get it? GET IT?!)
Adventures! Incredible Adventures! Involving Van Helsing! And he has a Hat! Join us as Dave takes a stroll through the Borgovian countryside to check out the new ARPG from Neocore Games.a
The cars are lined up and everyone is ready. Dave puts on a helmet and straps in for Grid 2. Can he make it to the finish line or will he crash his way to failure?