Category: Videos

Dave Spanton

Ghost Recon Online Interview – Rezzed 2012

Dave sits down to talk to Pierre and Juan from Ubisoft about the upcoming FPS Ghost Recon Online. Just what considerations have to be made when you take a franchise like Ghost Recon and make it Free-To-Play?

Dave Spanton

Ring Fling Interview – Rezzed 2012

Dave stands this time around to discuss Ring Fling with its creator Moo!

Ring Fling is an iOS based game that features 2 or 4 player modes and looks pretty awesome.

Dave Spanton

Smudged Cat Interview – Rezzed 2012

Dave from LThan3 (in the white shirt) sits down with Dave from Smudged Cat (also in a white shirt) to discuss Gateways and Adventures of Shuggy!

Dave Spanton

Hotline Miami – First Glance

What happens when you take 2 parts Scarface, 1 part Smash TV, 1 part ultraviolence and 3 parts strategy and shake well? Hotline Miami would be the answer. Dave and Fluke take a look a quick look in between interviews at a game that many at Rezzed were impressed by.