Category: Reviews

Dave Spanton

Krater – Review & Giveaway

Dave and Fluke sit down to discuss Krater. After having been stranded without an Ikea for a few days, how exactly are they doing?

Dave Spanton

Max Payne 3 – Review

Dave and Fluke have a love-hate relationship with multiplayer modes in games: They love multiplayer, while it seems to hate them.

Luckily, it seems they have managed to tame the multiplayer aspect of Max Payne 3. They show us what it’s all about, as well as discussing the single player.

Dave Spanton

Operation Raccoon City – Review

Dave and Fluke take a look at the Multiplayer section of Operation: Raccoon City. Because it can’t possibly be as buggy as the single player right guys?

Dave Spanton

Alan Wake’s American Nightmare – Review

Dave and Fluke take one more trip to Night Springs to talk about American Nightmare. What did they think about it after spending more time there, and do they feel that the shorter style of game works effectively?