Category: Interviews

Dave Spanton

Rush Bros – First Glance

Dave and Minion put on their headphones and compete in Rush Bros, it’s what Super Meat Boy would look like if you added dubstep, competitive multiplayer and traps. Will Minion finally become the master or will Dave put him in his place?

Dave Spanton

Dust: An Elysian Tail – First Glance

Dave finds himself growing a tail and become accompanied by a talking sword as he takes a look at Dust: AET. Will He be able to progress sideways to victory? Or will he fail to head in the right direction (Get it? GET IT?!)

Dave Spanton

Grid 2 – First Glance

The cars are lined up and everyone is ready. Dave puts on a helmet and straps in for Grid 2. Can he make it to the finish line or will he crash his way to failure?

Dave Spanton

Fez [PC Edition] – First Glance

Dave takes a trip to a colourful 2d world and has his mind blown when a 3d object turns up. It’s Fez! Finally here on the PC, Fez is a colourful, fun game with a fantastic soundtrack and gorgeous art style.

Dave Spanton

Jack Lumber – First Glance

If a tree falls on Granny in a forest does anyone take revenge? You’re damn right they do. Jack Lumber has vowed to cut down every tree to avenge poor Granny and Dave is going to help him, one cut at a time… MAPLE FINISH!

Dave Spanton

Poker Night 2 – First Glance

Sometimes, you’ve got to know when to hold them. Know when to fold them. Know when to walk away and when to run. Dave claims to know how to do some of those things, and decides to take a look at Poker Night 2. Only issue is… Dave is crazy.

Dave Spanton

Monaco: What’s Yours is Mine – First Glance

Stealth Game! Dave is joined by a whole host of guys for this one, Fluke, Minion AND some guy that has no microphone. To check out Monaco, a game that involves speed, stealth and not gettiRUNAWAY!

Dave Spanton

Dyad – First Glance

We’re back! Dave has a thank you for all you guys and explains the 3 weeks of no videos, before dropping acid and being shot down a coloured tube at high-speed. It’s Dyad! A crazy I don’t know what to call it… Game!