Author: Dave Spanton

Dave Spanton

GRID Autosport – First Glance

Can Autosport return the Grid series to its racing roots or will it just spin out at the first corner? Will it manage to take back 1st place or will it just fall to the back of the pack?

Dave Spanton

Foul Play – Review

Foul Play tries to entertain with a good story, presented in a modernized style of old beat-em-ups. Gather ‘round to find out if it’s style over substance, or a good all-rounder that can win you over with its charm.

Dave Spanton

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs – Preview

Dave takes a preview look at Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. Claiming he’s “taking one for the team”, none of us here believe him, honestly we secretly think he likes being scared.

Dave Spanton

Magicka Wizard Wars [Preview] – Gamescom 2013

Dave and the guys (Totally becoming a band name) took a look at Wizard Wars at Gamescom. Frantic Magicka PvP action, but how does it compare to the original and what did they change to balance it? Dave explains, without blowing anyone up!

Dave Spanton

How Titanfall changed my mind and earned me $5 at Gamescom

I don’t hold much faith in first person shooters these days. The last FPS I played that I truly enjoyed would have been Bad Company 2 and I can split that enjoyment 50/50 between it being a good game and the people I was playing with. That opinion however, changed whilst I was in Germany.

Dave Spanton

Beatbuddy – Review

Toe-tapping, head-bobbing rhythm based goodness. That’s how Dave describes Beatbuddy, a puzzle/rhythm based game from Threaks. Join us as Dave breaks down what he likes and dislikes about the game.

Dave Spanton

Bleed – First Glance

How hard is it to triple jump and shoot a cat spitting fur-balls at you? That’s something that they teach in school and yet Dave somehow manages to perform poorly at it. It’s Bleed! and just so we have at least one pun in this, Dave is bloody terrible at it.