Bounce – First Glance
Dave jumps into a rather bouncy experience with this preview look at Bounce from NerfGames. There are also some penguins involved, but Dave has no love to spare for the penguins.
Dave jumps into a rather bouncy experience with this preview look at Bounce from NerfGames. There are also some penguins involved, but Dave has no love to spare for the penguins.
Watch Dave get his cells in a bunch as he takes a look at a unique puzzle game, Splice – the latest game from Cipher Prime Studios (The guys behind Auditorium and Fractal).
Dave after a few teething problems manages to get in to a crazy platform game with time travel, spins, jumps, flying, gliding, ropes and so much more.
Dave and Fluke sit down to discuss Krater. After having been stranded without an Ikea for a few days, how exactly are they doing?
Dave gets dropped head first in to post-apocalyptic Sweden thanks to Krater, a post-apoc indie RPG, where even after the bombs have dropped….
…tophats are still in style.
Dave decides that after all the shooting and dying in Max Payne 3, he would relax with a preview of Resonance a point-and-click adventure game from XII games and Wadjet Eye games. And yet, even in a PAC, he still manages to die.
Dave and Fluke have a love-hate relationship with multiplayer modes in games: They love multiplayer, while it seems to hate them.
Luckily, it seems they have managed to tame the multiplayer aspect of Max Payne 3. They show us what it’s all about, as well as discussing the single player.
As a surprise video due to unforeseen issues, the guys decide that the stars are left.. No wait, right… Dave, Fluke and Surge (Boo!) give you some pure unadulterated Magicka goodness in The Stars are Left campaign.
Today, Dave takes the dive into the newest member of the franchise, Max Payne 3 to find out whether it lives up to the standard of thrilling action and drama.
Taking an early look at Tiny & Big in Grandpa’s Leftovers, Dave manages to crush himself to death less times than we thought… which was a bit disappointing.