Gamescom: A story of German love.
I’d heard rumours beforehand that Gamescom was going to be very big, very loud and a lot more “business” based than other expo’s. I prepared myself in every way I could, and it was still not enough.
I’d heard rumours beforehand that Gamescom was going to be very big, very loud and a lot more “business” based than other expo’s. I prepared myself in every way I could, and it was still not enough.
Kelarik checks out the one-man development studio game, Dust: An Elysian Tale. A side-scrolling brawler with a dash of RPG elements.
Dave talks to Stan from 11bit at Gamescom to discuss Funky Smugglers, an interesting TSA-esque game, that sees you trying to prevent people from smuggling items through security by hiding them in their afro’s and all manner of other wacky places!
Dave talks to Peter from Crytek to discuss Warface a Free-to-play shooter. How are Crytek approaching the F2P concept and what can exactly can we expect from Warface? Watch and find out!